Monday, April 21, 2008

The Christian's Trademark is Love (1 John 2: 7-11)

Coca Cola, McDonalds, and Nike are the best known brands or trademarks in the commercial world today.
The outstanding trademark (distinguishing characteristic) of the Christian is love- love for his brother in Christ, and also for his fellow man created in God's image.
Barriers of nationality, social standing, race, and gender are torn down, in and through Christ. There should be such a spirit of forgiveness within the body of Christ that nothing can part us (just like in the marriage vow).
Without true repentence, it must be noted, there can be no true forgiveness.
If you are an unbeliever, you are walking around in the dark like a blind man.
Martin Lloyd Jones, the great evangelical preacher of mid-20th century England, sayed that the way of the world is to hide itself, frequently in a mask of superficial chivalry.
The power of the gospel is in the magnitude of the grace of God, and in the explosiveness of God's love! And, this power should also be seen in our love to others, through Him.
Let us in the church truly love one another.
Let no divisions of social standing, or race, or nationality, or physical differences rob us of our unity; we have the commonality of the same Savior and Lord.
Let us be willing to give up our perceived freedom, in order not to be a stumbling block to a perceived weaker brother in Christ.
Christ (and the cross) focused worship, will be followed by action. Love will flow to one another. Love for God will be translated into love for our brother.

Acknowledgement: Parts of a sermon preached on the text 1 John 2: 7-11 by Pastor Andy Lutz in early March, 2008, were the basis of much of these notes.

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